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SQL vs NoSQL comparison: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB & Cassandra


Built as an open-source database solution, PostgreSQL is completely free from licensing restrictions, vendor lock-in potential or the risk of over-deployment. PostgreSQL is managed with an object-relational database management system . PostgreSQL, also known as Postgres, is an open-source relational database with a strong reputation for its reliability, flexibility and support of open technical standards. PostgreSQL supports both non-relational and relational data types.

What is the difference between SQL and PostgreSQL

As mentioned before, PostgreSQL can run these triggers dynamically and doesn’t need to compile them into a .dll file before execution. The above functions can be used to execute a complex query when the trigger gets invoked. The MVCC lock acquired for querying data doesn’t conflict with the locks acquired for writing data. This minimizes lock contention and provides better performance in multiuser environments.

Partitioning and Sharding

It is a type of database management system that stores data in tables or relations. Each table represents a specific type of data, and the relationships between tables are defined by the relationships between the data they contain. The data can be queried and manipulated using Structured Query Language . Most importantly, the use of PostgreSQL is considered reliable is one that requires OLTP in smaller database sizes. This describes PostgreSQL as an OLTP for database management systems. In addition, Greenplum technology is some overhead for the transaction processing system as it is termed a distributed system.

MySQL implements access control security for any operations a user may attempt to perform. PostgreSQL has ROLES and legacy roles for setting and maintaining permissions. It also has native support for SSL connections and client/server message encryption and row-level security.


It complements other SQL Server security features like auditing, encryption, and row level security. PostgreSQL does not support data redaction for limiting the display of sensitive data for certain users. Enterprises looking for data redaction features to add more security can use EDB Postgres Advanced server, Oracle compatible fork of PostgreSQL. SQL Server has a less fully developed multi-version concurrency control system and by default relies on locking of data to prevent errors from simultaneous transactions. SQL Server offers a range of features and functions to prevent security threats, because each application is unique in its security needs.

What is the difference between SQL and PostgreSQL

Enjoy a fair, usage-based pricing model, unlimited concurrent build limits, DDoS protection with Cloudflare, and advanced firewalls. In this article, we’ve covered the major differences between PostgreSQL and SQL Server, and their functions. The “right” choice will eventually come down to how you plan to run your business.

Why use PostgreSQL?

These peculiarities allow for numerous query copying and deploying all of them at the same time. Being rapidly scalable, Cassandra allows for managing large data volumes by replicating them into multiple nodes. It eliminates the problem of database crash – if some of the nodes fail at any time, it’s replaced immediately, and the system keeps working as long as at least one single node is safe. Scalability – where data is spread out across a distributed network of manageable servers – is a facet of MongoDB’s fundamental nature.

What is the difference between SQL and PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL provides data encryption and allows you to use secure sockets layer certificates when your data is traveling through the web or public network highways. It also allows you to implement client certificate authentication tools as an option. In addition, you can use cryptogenic functions to store encrypted data in PostgreSQL that support both symmetric-key and public-key encryptions. SQL Server provides rich automated functionality for index management. They can be organized in clusters and sustain the proper row order without manual involvement. SQL Server also supports partial indexes and multiple-index searches.

Features of PostgreSQL

SQL Server offers Windows Server Failover Clustering, which can be configured for both active/passive and active/active nodes. The Standard edition only supports two nodes for clusters; additional nodes require an upgrade to the Enterprise edition. PostgreSQL allows clusters of servers but does not natively support multi-master or active/active clusters. Tools such as repmgr allow for easy maintenance of PostgreSQL clusters. Snapshot replication, for when data is updated infrequently or does not need to be changed incrementally, where data is duplicated exactly as it appears at a specific moment. PostgreSQL was created in 1986 at the University of California, Berkeley, and first released in 1989.

PostgreSQL and the Enterprise: 6 Reasons to Put the Open-Source … – DevPro Journal

PostgreSQL and the Enterprise: 6 Reasons to Put the Open-Source ….

Posted: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

It’s used in web applications like WordPress and Joomla, as well as mission-critical operations at companies such as Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix. It’s also frequently used with PHP to create dynamic websites and applications. MySQL is also relatively easy to learn and provides scalability options for larger businesses. https://globalcloudteam.com/tech/postgresql/ It’s fast, reliable, secure, and low-cost – all qualities that make it an attractive choice for many developers. Both Realtime and Firestore are great options for storing and managing different types of data. Being cloud-based and NoSQL, they offer decent flexibility and scalability when the amount of data grows.

What are the geographic data differences between PostgreSQL and SQL Server? Compare geographic data in PostgreSQL vs. MSSQL

A database is a collection of organized data that is stored electronically in a computer system. It is designed to manage and manipulate large amounts of data in a structured framework. It helps users to easily store, retrieve, and update information. A database typically consists of tables, which contain columns and rows. Each column represents a specific type of data, such as names or numbers, while each row represents a single record or instance of that data. Today, MySQL remains popular among developers and businesses of all sizes.

  • MySQL also supports various indexes such as B-tree, hash, R-tree, and inverted indexes.
  • SQL Server uses an optimistic strategy to handle memory-optimized tables, which means they can participate in transactions along with ordinary tables.
  • As Cassandra processes multiple layers of data simultaneously, it demands enough power to do it.
  • PostgreSQL is an open-source, object-relational database system with more than 30 years of active development.
  • Developers need to identify children and parent column before assigning a partition for them.
  • MySQL offers support for multiple storage engines along with plug-in storage, making it more flexible.

Older versions are gradually moved into a system database called tempdb. Both PostgreSQL and SQL Server offer robust support for procedural language features. https://globalcloudteam.com/ PostgreSQL supports the JSON data type, and thanks to the procedural language feature, users can easily use Python, Java, PHP, Perl, and R with SQL.

PostgreSQL vs. SQL Server (MSSQL) – Extremely Detailed Comparison

It is an advanced version of SQL and hence provides many additional features. Also, it is cross-platform and can be used with any operating system. SQL Server is a relational database management system with an emphasis on security and performance. PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system designed to emphasize extensibility and standards compliance. EDB Postgres Advanced Server is also HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI compliant.

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